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Experienced Criminal Defense Firm

A person in a suit looking at a person in a courtroom

Description automatically generatedIn Texas, criminal mischief means you intentionally or knowingly damage someone else’s property without their permission, which could get you into serious legal trouble. The penalties for this can be harsh, ranging from hefty fines to long jail terms, depending on how much damage you caused. If you're facing these charges, it's vital to understand the serious nature of your situation and your next steps. You need to know not only what you're up against but also what defenses you might have and why it’s crucial to have a skilled defense lawyer by your side. 

Facing criminal mischief charges? Act fast to defend your rights. Call Cofer & Connelly, PLLC at (512) 991-0576 or contact us online. Trust our 100 years of combined experience and over 300 jury trials to fight for a reduced charge or favorable verdict.

What is Criminal Mischief?

Under Texas Penal Code Section 28.03, criminal mischief in Texas involves several specific actions against someone else's property without their permission. If you intentionally or knowingly damage or destroy someone’s property (e.g., breaking a window), you are committing criminal mischief. The key here is the property must be owned by someone else, and you must act either intentionally, meaning you meant to cause the damage, or knowingly, which means you were aware that your actions would likely cause damage.

Another way you can commit criminal mischief is by tampering with someone’s property in a way that leads to financial loss or a major inconvenience. Tampering means you mess with the property on purpose. For example, if you change the settings on someone's commercial freezer, causing all the stored food to spoil, that's tampering. It’s not just breaking things; it’s any action that meddles with how the property works, which then causes problems for the owner or someone else.

Lastly, making any unauthorized markings on someone's property also counts as criminal mischief. This includes writing, drawing, or spraying paint on property like buildings, signs, or vehicles. Whether it’s a slogan, a drawing, or some other mark, if it's done without permission, it's considered criminal mischief.

What Are the Penalties for Criminal Mischief?

The penalties for criminal mischief in Texas depend on the severity and cost of the damage, classified into misdemeanors and felonies. Each category carries different consequences in terms of fines and potential jail time.

For minor offenses where the damage is under $100, the charge is a Class C misdemeanor. This classification does not include jail time but could lead to a fine of up to $500.

When damage costs range between $100 and $750, it escalates to a Class B misdemeanor. If convicted, you could face up to 180 days in jail and a fine not to exceed $2,000.

For damages costing between $750 and $2,500, the offense is classified as a Class A misdemeanor. The penalties for this classification include up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000.

Moving to more serious damages, if the loss is between $2,500 and $30,000, or under certain conditions like the damage involving firearms or public utilities, the charge becomes a state jail felony. Penalties for a state jail felony include jail time between 180 days and two years, plus a fine up to $10,000.

For substantial damages costing between $30,000 and $150,000, or specific cases such as interrupting public services, the charge is a third-degree felony. This can result in two to ten years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

If the damage is even more severe, costing between $150,000 and $300,000, the offense is classified as a second-degree felony. The penalties increase to two to 20 years in prison and potentially the same $10,000 fine.

At the highest level, when damage exceeds $300,000, it qualifies as a first-degree felony. Conviction can lead to imprisonment for five to 99 years, or possibly for life, along with a fine of up to $10,000.

Collateral Consequences of a Criminal Mischief Conviction

Being convicted of criminal mischief can impact more than just your immediate freedom. It might be harder to get jobs, especially if they require trustworthiness. Your record can also affect where you're allowed to live and even limit your travel options. Remember, a conviction on your criminal record can follow you and affect various aspects of your life.

Criminal Process for Individuals Facing Criminal Mischief Charges

If you're investigated or charged with criminal mischief in Texas, the process usually starts when someone reports an incident to the police. The police will investigate, and if there's enough evidence, they will charge you. You will then be arrested and might have to stay in jail until your first court appearance, unless you post bail. At your first appearance, you will hear the charges against you and you will be asked to plead guilty or not guilty. If you plead not guilty, the case will go to trial where all evidence against you and any defense you have will be presented. During this time, it's crucial to have a criminal mischief lawyer to help protect your rights and build your defense. If found guilty, the judge will decide your sentence based on factors like your past record and the details of the incident. If you're found not guilty, A person in a suit reading a document

Description automatically generatedyou will be free to go.

Potential Defenses in Criminal Mischief Cases

In cases of criminal mischief, several defenses might apply depending on the circumstances of your case. One common defense is the lack of intent. If you didn't intend to damage or tamper with the property, this might be a key point in your defense. For example, if the damage occurred accidentally or without your knowledge, you could argue that there was no intentional or knowing harm.

Another potential defense is consent. If the property owner gave you permission to use or alter the property in the way that led to the damage, you might use this as a defense. Proving that you had effective consent could negate the allegation of criminal mischief.

Mistake of fact is another defense. This involves a situation where you genuinely believed something to be true when it wasn't, leading to unintentional damage or tampering. For instance, if you mistakenly believed you were altering your own property, this might be a valid defense.

In some instances, you might also argue that you were falsely accused or that the evidence against you was not sufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed the offense. This could involve challenging the way evidence was collected or arguing that the damage was caused by someone else.

Lastly, if you were engaged in a lawful activity, like official military duties or regular agricultural labor, as outlined in the law, this could also serve as a defense. These defenses depend heavily on the specifics of your case, so discussing them with a knowledgeable lawyer is crucial.

Role of a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Criminal Mischief Cases

A criminal mischief attorney plays a crucial role in your case. They will represent you in court, fighting on your behalf. The lawyer will examine all the evidence, question its validity, and look for any flaws in the case against you. They'll also help you understand the charges and the potential outcomes. Your lawyer will work to develop a strong defense strategy based on the facts of your case. They might negotiate with prosecutors to reduce the charges or seek a more favorable outcome like a lesser sentence or alternative penalties. If your case goes to trial, your lawyer will prepare and argue it in front of a judge or jury, aiming to show why you shouldn't be found guilty. Overall, a criminal defense lawyer provides guidance and support throughout the legal process, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you have a defense against the charges you face.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is criminal mischief? It's damaging someone else's property on purpose or by knowing your actions would likely cause damage..

Can I go to jail for criminal mischief? Yes, depending on the damage severity, jail time ranges from a few days to several years.

How is the damage cost estimated in criminal mischief cases? The cost is assessed by the value of the property damaged or repair costs involved.

What defenses can I use in a criminal mischief case? Common defenses include lack of intent, consent by the property owner, or a mistaken belief about property ownership.

Can criminal mischief charges be dropped? Yes, if you can prove lack of intent or consent, or demonstrate insufficient evidence, charges might be dropped.

Does a criminal mischief conviction affect my future? Yes, it can impact job opportunities, housing options, and more because of a criminal record.

What should I do if charged with criminal mischief? Contact a criminal defense lawyer immediately to understand your rights and prepare a defense.

Can minors be charged with criminal mischief? Yes, minors can be charged, but they typically face juvenile court proceedings.

Contact Our Austin Criminal Mischief Attorneys Today

If you're facing criminal mischief charges, it's critical to take quick action to protect your rights and future. Contact Cofer & Connelly, PLLC by calling (512) 991-0576 or contacting us online for a consultation with a criminal mischief attorney. People rely on Cofer & Connelly, PLLC for their defense against serious charges because we bring over 100 years of combined legal experience, have resolved over 25,000 cases, and successfully conducted more than 300 jury trials. Our experienced criminal mischief lawyers in Austin can work hard on your behalf, potentially reducing the charges or finding a favorable outcome.

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If you're facing criminal charges, you can't afford to have a lawyer who won't go above and beyond for you. Our Austin criminal defense attorney will work with you to develop a comprehensive case strategy to protect your legal rights in court, pursue your best interests, and set you up for success once your case is over. There's a reason our law firm has become a staple of law defense in Austin, TX. Our lawyers will do everything we can to help you successfully navigate your case.

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  • "A good law firm made my son feel comfortable after he was charged."
    Chris J.
  • I am convinced that this is the best criminal defense team in Austin and probably in all of Texas.


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