
What Should I Do If I Wish to Relocate With My Child?

child and parents moving

Making the decision to relocate with your child can be difficult. There are many things to consider and you want to ensure that you follow all applicable laws. That’s why it’s essential to consult with a relocation attorney who can help guide you through this process.

In Texas, relocation is particularly challenging due to our state’s strong family law protections. But with the help of an experienced family law attorney at Cofer & Connelly, PLLC, you can make a move confidently and ensure that your children are taken care of every step of the way.

The Relocation Process

When one parent wishes to move with their child outside of their town or a neighboring county within Texas, they will need to seek court approval for this relocation. If the moving parent wishes to move outside of Texas, the court-approved relocation process is especially important, as a long-distance move can affect the child’s relationship with the non-moving parent and the current custody order may no longer be feasible for both parents to follow.

An experienced family law attorney can help you begin the process as you seek approval for your planned move, as successfully obtaining a relocation order can be difficult in Texas.

Why Is It Difficult to Relocate?

The Texas family court system emphasizes not breaking a child's status quo. In many cases, the family court system will deny relocation because the family has established a life in Texas.

For a couple to divorce and relocation to be requested, the couple must live in Texas for at least six months to establish residency. During this time, the family most likely enrolled their child in local schools, made friends, and planted roots in their new home. This can be difficult, especially if one parent wishes to relocate out of the state, as the courts may see it harmful for the child to relocate.

Relocation is often seen as disruptive for the child and unless it is not in the child’s best interests to remain in Texas and near both parents, it can be extremely tricky for a relocation order to be granted. Families who wish to relocate should consult an experienced relocation attorney to help them as they navigate the relocation process.

Beginning the Process

If you believe relocation is in your child’s best interests, one of the first things you should do is meet with a trusted family law attorney. At your consultation, you can discuss your desire to relocate and your attorney will share more about the relocation process.

Before your meeting, you should have a concrete idea of what your relocation will look like. You might want to write down details including where you and the child may live, why this is considered in the child’s best interests, the potential moving date, and more details you feel important to share. Having this information readily available may be helpful as you pursue the relocation order.

After your consultation, the attorney will help you plan the path ahead. If they believe you have a strong case for relocation, you will begin the process for relocation and prepare for your relocation hearing. Together, you will build your case and prepare to share why you believe this relocation is in your child's best interests.

We Can Do More

At Cofer & Connelly, PLLC, we are here for your family as you pursue relocation and prepare for your move to your new home. We understand the challenges ahead and the issues you may face, which will help guide our strategy for your relocation case.

Are you planning to relocate with your children? Did you receive a notice of relocation from your child’s other parent? Schedule a consultation with one of our relocation attorneys today by calling (512) 991-0576 or fill out our online contact form to get started.

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